41. The Red Folder

        With pronounced heaviness in her step, Zara trudged up the stairs to the top floor of the Administration building for a second time, dreading her appointment with Medena, goddess of Plenty no less. Dena had filled her in on the terrifying Breeding Program rumors she hadn't heard before, she was at least, armed with an understanding of what was to become of her. Dena had been a godsend, she was full of all kinds of exclusive information that had prepared her for the interview. Dena had given stern warnings about looking too nice, explaining that Medena was famous for re-assigning the pregnant students to her program against their will, that some girls never returned to university, they spent the rest of their lives in Lochia.
         Zara just wanted to stay in school, she had worked so hard to make it this far, she knew she was born with the right talents to be a successful Architectural Designer, she just needed to graduate. "I never let the little things get to me" she reminded herself of Hedena's teachings in Culloom, understanding now how Hedena had prepared her too. 
        Zara paused outside the now familiar door of the Penthouse Suite, visualizing the golden string pulling her up. She took a deep breath and repeated her affirmation, reminding herself that this time she was here to see Medena, not Hedena. With feigned bravery she knocked on the door.
         "COME IN" Hedena replied from inside.
         Zara was interrupting a meeting with Eden, the beautiful ebony tressed, olive skinned demi-goddess who had tethered her to the lashing post. Nervously she tiptoed into the room and paused, 
noticing the Crystal Skull sitting on her desk staring at her, unsure whether she was supposed to go directly into the question booth... Should she ask?
         "I'll be right with you" Hedena pointed to the booth, directing her there before returning to Eden.
         "Yes, Your Honor" Zara saluted and took her seat in the booth. She had more time to look around the room this time but the Crystal Skull, sitting on the corner of Hedena's desk kept drawing her attention, it was still looking at her, it certainly wasn't there last time. She tried to look away but it was still watching her, making her feel uneasy...
         She studied the walls, trying to ignore the creepy ornament as best she could. Hedena's office was smaller than she remembered, sparse and surprisingly devoid of books for a teacher. Thick red velvet curtains framed a picture window of the northern island... She craned her neck to see... A view over the wall! There were forests here too...
         But Zara couldn't distract herself from the Crystal Skull for long, it was the most amazing thing she had ever seen. It drew her attention like a magic wand. 
         Suddenly, Hedena dismissed Eden with a significant slap on her bum.
         Shocked, Zara looked down, alarmed and embarrassed to witness the bizarre exchange directed towards such a high class demi-goddess, a Fina famous model no less. Eden didn't seem the type to deserve such a degrading gesture, nor did she seem too upset... That was the strangest part!
         "Don't forget these ones!" Hedena waved some file folders in the air after her.
         Once Eden had left, Hedena picked up a red folder from her desk and began silently and methodically leafing through the documents until finally.... "And you are?"
         "Me?" Confused for a moment, Zara was caught off guard, alarmed by Hedena's memory loss. 
         "I said what is your name? I don't think your name is Me is it?"
         "I’m sorry!" She felt like an idiot, blood was rushing to her cheeks already. "I mean, my name is Zara" she corrected, hating the sound of her own voice now.
         "And you're from..."
         "I'm from the Megalith program. Serpent Year."
         Hedena returned her attention to the report, scrutinizing each word on the file. "Zara... Ah yes... Zara of the Golden Wardrobe, Zara... So it says here that you would like to have a private chat with Medena, is that correct?"
         "Yes... Please..." Zara nodded, her shame renewed.
         "Well then, let's see if Medena would like to have a private chat with you too, shall we?" Hedena stood up and walked across the room, reminding Zara how small she was. "Come this way." 
         As if walking into the wall, Hedena pushed against one of the mahogany panels, revealing them to be set of doors. Inside the small hallway, she handed the red folder to a tall dark and handsome guard standing outside a door.
         "Zara" she introduced. "Serpent."
         The guard nodded, took the red folder from Hedena and opened the door. Sunlight poured forth from an enormous picture window as the door opened into Medena's office. Medena was seated at her desk, overlooking an amazing view of the university grounds and harbor, the sea, the smoking city of Atlan glistened in the distance like a jewel on the horizon, it was a breathtaking view of the Atlan Empire, the same view Zara had from her dorm, only unobscured by buildings; this was a much loftier perspective. She followed the guard across the room and stood by nervously as he handed Medena the red folder.
         "Zara of the Serpent Year" the guard announced.
         "Thank you!" Medena took the folder and leafed through the contents.
         Once again Zara found herself in the sight line of a Crystal Skull, one very similar to Hedena's, this one was sparkling in the sunlight, animating the stare, as if it’s eyes were alive, twinkling…
         "Take a seat!" Medena pointed to the red velvet upholstered chairs, fit for a king.
         As if undeserving to sit on them, Zara perched on the edge of the seat, putting on her most neutral expression, as per Dena's instruction, praying she wouldn't blow any more introductions.
         "Zara! What a PRETTY name!"
         "Thank you, Your Honor!"
         Medena took a moment to scan the contents of the red folder. "Well, well, well... I understand we have a new Product on the way!"
         The goddess of Plenty was intimidating, her painted portraits had depicted her fairly well but she was way more scary in real life. Medena's intensity was missing from the portraits, her chartreuse eyes were piercing in real life, like laser beams they shot through the documents as heavily ringed fingers leafed through the file. Zara's focus returned to her hands again... The hands that had wielded the Sacrificial Sword...
         Finally Medena closed the folder and took a moment to study the mousey looking golden from the Megalith program. 
         "I'm going to assign you a room in the Meden Institute for the remainder of your pregnancy, after you have produced the example you can return to your program."
         Zara felt a wave of relief wash over her.
         "Come with me." Medena led Zara down the hall into a waiting room and handed her the red folder. "Give this to the nurse at the Meden Institute" she ordered. "Without it you cease to exist, so don't lose it. Eden will be by shortly, she will take you to Lochia."

         Hours went by as Zara waited for Eden. Alone and unable to resist curiosity, she peeked inside the red folder and leafed through the documents. There were several reports, a few tablets, some on exotic paper she had never seen before, they looked quite old. They were all written in some strange code. There was an envelope, it too was labeled in code which she couldn't understand that had stuff inside, but it was sealed so she couldn’t peek. She studied the code with growing curiosity. Various strange glyphs and stamps decorated the inside cover of the folder accompanied by more strange code language... What was it all for? Without it she ceased to exist?
         Mystified, she closed the folder and looked out of the window toward the town of Fina, trying not to feel sad about her fate. She liked it here, things were just starting to relax and now she had to leave? She wondered about Lochia as she stared out across the glistening sea. Wasn't Lochia where the Farming Institute was? Would she be safe from the dogons?
         She tried to think positive thoughts. Perhaps Mata would be there? Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad after all.

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