1.12 Lab Six

        Malodon, the god of Transformation was the Great Transformer of things. It was Malodon's skilled hands that had transformed the primitive Solarian races into the highly evolved Gens that populated Atlan today. The challenge to harness the Light Serpent energy into an intelligent power of which they could control had so far eluded him, it was ironic that here they were, so desperate as to once again look back towards Lemuria and its magic crystals. This time the research and development had to reach beyond the walls of a sterile laboratory environment. Like the garden the herbs came from, Malodon found himself standing in the dirt.
         "Do you think it will work?" Torus wondered out loud as he ground a lump of Lemurian crystal against the stone grinder in the Engine Chamber, a classroom in the day which doubled as Torus's lair at night.
         "I have no idea..." Malodon admitted, hovering over the process. He reached in to the petri dish below the grinding wheel, pinched a sample and held it up to the light, letting the fine crystals fall, studying their spiralling nature in the light, the shimmering image they generated. "There's something different about the Lemurian crystal... It doesn't just have electrical properties, it has a certain life to it's electrical properties... This is some sort of Bio-Electricity..."

         The labs of the Atlan Empire were so extensive that they were divided in ways that their true purpose remained unknown, no one knew everything that was happening below the surface of the Atlan Empire, but everyone who was anyone, was sure they knew it all. Armed with a vial of freshly ground Lemurian crystal dust in hand, Malodon made his way to the Moha Lab, only a short walk from the university chambers.
         "Doctor Seton is in Lab Six" the receptionist pointed down the hall towards the Fetal Wing.
         Malodon scanned the halls on his way to Lab Six, it had been a while since his last visit. Seton was right, the Lab was due for some updates and renovations. 
        Lab Six was the Artificial Womb laboratory, designed to replace much of the pain and suffering associated with the archaic and primitive breeding methods their gens had once been enslaved by; the biggest waste of energy in the empire. Rows and rows of incubators and fertilization tanks filled the room with a warm and steady hum. The sound of a heartbeat, amplified from a recording device throbbed throughout the room to the point of vibration, these mechanical wombs could be used again and again, they cost mere pennies to run, they had limitless potential, unlike the womb of a gen. 
        Humid and noisy, it wasn't a comfortable lab to work in. Malodon found Doctor Seton busy working beside one of the wombs, a large cylindrical tank plumbed and wired into a heavy machine that looked like it was from the Steam Punk era. Inside a fetus was growing, suspended in a slightly chartreuse liquid, apparently awake. Beside each fertilization tank lay an unconscious gen, a biological host woven into the procedure with surgical tubes and electrical wires, an unpleasant sight, hence the Underworld setting.
         "Your timing is excellent!" Seton stood to greet him. "I was just preparing some of the new solution to show you!" He eyed the vial. "What have we here?" 
    Malodon handed him the vial of crystal dust. Curious, Seton lifted the vial to the light, noting the sparkling shimmer. "Adon!" He waved his assistant over, he knew exactly what it was. "Get us some fresh tablets!"
         Even though Malodon wasn't a frequent visitor of the Moha Lab, the brothers worked closely together and as a rule, witnessed each others' experiments whenever they had even the simplest results to share. Malodon picked up the dried mushroom jar, smelling the contents, wincing. "I thought we could try injecting the crystal directly inside the skull... Just like you're doing with the mushroom spores."
         "Implant crystal inside the skull..." Seton could almost feel an energy from the vial as the idea took root. "I think it's a brilliant idea! Yes!" He rose from his seat. "Definitely worth a shot!" Inspired, he picked out a new vial, poured in some saline serum and added a micro-spoon of the crystal dust.
         "It's a bit coarse…" Malodon offered. "We may have to experiment with different grinders."
         "Yesss…" Feeling the rush of raw experimentation, Doctor Seton filled a long syringe with the crystal solution and injected it into the IV tube that fed the fetal gen. "The needle acts as a filter, anything too chunky will get screened."
         The fetus hardly reacted as the solution reached his blood flow, his tiny clenched fists reached for his eyes, it seemed to have a sleepy effect on him if anything.
         Malodon shook his head as he watched the fetus calming, when the sound of loud voices and wafts of frankincense interrupted their observations, announcing the king's arrival. 
        Atalon entered the lab clutching his new Crystal Skull, accompanied by Halios and Hedena. 
    Malodon and Seton stood to greet the king at once. "Your Honor!"
         Atalon handed Seton the crystal skull. "I need you to begin formatting them immediately."
         Seton took the skull, lost for a moment. "Format them?"
         "It's best to start formatting the examples from the fetal stage" Hedena advised.
         Malodon eyed her carefully, the theories were evolving rapidly. "Formatting? In what way?"
         "Hedena thinks that the diamond thing in the Book of Life image represents the source of the electrical thoughts. I agree, it makes complete sense." Atalon had obviously bought it. "If that diamond thing is an energy transfer device, then we can target it, program it. It would explain why the Lunies believe all of those ridiculous stories, why they worship the Golden Egg. It's not an egg, it's that diamond thing, they just used the symbolism of an egg. A serpent hatches from an egg. Get it?"
         "No" Seton wasn't getting it. "It doesn't explain the diamond at all, if that theory was true then it would be an egg, not a diamond!"

         Every morning the citizens of the Atlan Empire went to the temple to worship their great Creator god Medel. And it was in the cafeteria of the Temple of Medel where the graduating students would find their final results of the Pageant on their last day at Culloom.
         Zara scanned the list until she found her name and let out a huge sigh of relief. She hadn't been selected for the Golden Goddess program, but had been lucky enough to avoid a fateful future as a Farmer or Breeder. Her pageant scores were low, but her exam scores were high enough to land her a spot in the Megalith Program, one of the most prestigious architectural programs in Fina U, it basically guaranteed her an exciting career in the heart of the Atlan Empire.
         Feeling full of joy, she sang her morning hymns for the last time with tears in her eyes, filled with gratitude for her blessed fortune. She glanced around the great hall as she sang, her voice competing with a lump now forming in her throat, it felt so strange to be leaving the only place she knew as home... A place she was basically guaranteed never to return to...
         After the service, the graduating class said their goodbyes and followed the prefect down the hall to the Administration office. None of the students had been beyond the stone walls of Culloom, they had longed to discover the secret exit off the Island, not once had they entertained the idea that it was through the Administration office, down a back room stairwell that opened up into a giant tunnel that lay beneath the Temple of Medel.
         But there it was. The prefect led the students through the underground passage. The passage divided and from one they could smell the ocean breeze, welcoming them. As they walked towards the light at the end of the tunnel, the trail opened up into a small, quaint harbor.
         A mighty ship was already awaiting their arrival, a real ship, something the graduates had only ever seen pictures of before. The students were buzzing with excitement as they boarded the vessel, giddy with awe and wonder at the immense scale of the world awaiting them. This was by far the most exciting day of their lives, even for those for whom it would be the last.

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