67. Some Kind Of Joke

        Business meetings with Vikkar normally took place across the water in Kergal, it was just easier to go there than it was to get him to Atlan. For Torus business trips to Kergal were a chance to relax, to take in the beautiful scenery that lay beyond Atlan's stone walls, like a blank canvas, a NewWorld was emrging, Lemuria had fertile soils just begging for big dreams such as his.
         Vikkar studied the new gravel order with constrained enthusiasm.
         "Two loads? What's going on over there?"
         "It's Aquilla" Torus filled him in on the latest details. "He's been targeting the bunker site, rumor is he's noticed the Coming War plans taking shape."
         "Ha!" Vikkar smiled, the notion of annihilating Aquilla was an old joke, no one really took it seriously, everyone had lost count how many times they had tried and failed already. 
        Serious now, he handed the tablet to Ku, seated beside him. "Tomorrow's priority! A big enough order to employ everyone."
         As the tribe, listening in from around the fireplace, responded in cheer, banging their goblets together in a toast, Torus noticed the power vikkar had over his tribe, the loyal support he had won, deep down it bothered him that he held so much power over so many, he basically ruled Lemuria. In spite of their pathetic existence, slave power like that was a valuable asset.
         He eyed the legendary sword slung by his side. It was only because of the Sword of Lightning that he had any power at all. The Truth which no one wanted to admit was that Aquilla was the real ruler here, the ruler of both Lemuria and the Atlan Empire... So long as he was alive Atlan and Lemuria would remain divided.
         Ku stamped the tablet, accepting the offer and returned it to Torus, with thanks.
         "We'll deliver by noon tomorrow."
         "Excellent" Torus took the signed tablet, sealing the deal. It was a perfect opportunity to place another order. "Here" He handed Vikkar another tablet.
         Vikkar studied the order, it was another order for uranium? This was an unusual request, hard to get, far away and the financing was sketchy, this too was fallout from that wretched Book of Life.
         "This order is missing a few seals."
         "That's right."
         "It's not properly authorized..." Ku agreed, commenting on the red flag, orders like these were always sketchy, materials that had to be bought via nautical detours, with twisted budgets and clever acting were a gamble.
         "I assure you, the funds are already set aside'" Torus assured, understanding their concerns.
         "Well, it's going to be a lot harder to get to it now that winter's coming" Vikkar advised. "It's much more expensive at this time of year... I'm afraid it's going to cost twice as much."
         Torus expected as much. "You sound like a typical Serpent! You ought to enjoy the work while you have it" he warned, as he made his way back down to the ship.

         It wasn't easy, but Seton continued his work on the new crystal research arising from the Electric Brain Theory as best he could whilst the lab renovations were going on around him; a blessing from the Great Medel, no less. Carefully he sorted through the dried pineals as they arrived from the processing lab, documenting their characteristics and cross referencing data from their red folders with meticulous detail. He was seeing the same patterns emerge over and over again, The Crystal Pineal theory was an exciting new theory, not only was lead turning out to be a precious gold, it was looking like medification could play a role in the development, perhaps it even had the potential to replace the archaic and very costly conditioning that had been a catalyst for those very unfortunate flaws it was intended to correct.
         Suddenly, Atalon's voice could be heard from down the hall, singing loudly. Moments later he burst into the lab but his entourage, Halios in tow. The king ended his song in a mighty high note, leaving the audience of lab employees astounded.
         Alarmed, Seton dropped what he was doing and stood in salute, whatever it was, had to be good news.
         "Your Honor! Please inform me of the good news!"
         "I know what you're thinking" Atalon handed him the pipe. "And you're right! I am intoxicated! Try this, Doctor. Forget that Liquid Lunie potion and have some Serpent Smoke!"
         Seton wasn't sure if this was a joke. "Serpent Smoke?" He stared at the pipe, trying to figure out the scam, he recognized the object in the bowl... It was a dried pineal gland!
         "Hey! That's MINE! Where did you get that from?" He picked the golden nugget out of the bowl and inspected it in the light, it was a heavily crystallized sample even. "It's one of my best samples!" He scanned their faces for a clue, their feigned innocence was ridiculous, making him feel quite ridiculed, himself. "What is this? Some kind of joke?"

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