2.40 The Original Nefilim

        "The planet Sol was the Original Paradise" Min continued. "Before Netu was cast out, Sol had a perfect balance of water and land, she was green and lush, bountiful and harmonious, a blossom in the universe. Sol had abundant life forms, intelligent creatures which hosted the Phoenix Spirits, capable of using these energies to manifest and create amazing things giving them god-like powers to create. Blessed by a perfect balance of Netu's Light and Silva's mists of Creation, a mighty civilization of Intelligent Beings arose. Most highly evolved, the Solarians were a loving and creative life form, they pursued arts and technology, science and wisdom. They were artists, musicians, wizards, astronomers, architects, scientists and they were giants, too. They were the Lords of the Skies, they flew in aircraft called Vimana, they were Original Nefilim.
         "Vimanas?" Zara echoed. "That's a lie! The Nefilim came from the Lab! Everyone knows that! Orius made the Vimana's Everyone knows that. too! They were made for the mines! If that was true they wouldn’t have had to invent these things!"
         "The Nefilim you know of, the ones you see around here did come from the Lab" Min agreed. "You're right, however, they are not the Original Nefilim. They are the Origian Nefilim."
         Zara was in dis-belief already and Min had only just begun. "When Netu was cast out of the galaxy, Sol fell into great hardship from the lack of nutritious light. Because of their highly evolved intelligence, the Nefilim priests understood the Great War in the heavens, they had been documenting it, they knew what it was all about and set out to save Sol from darkness. Sol was rich with gold, a powerful conductor, they would use it to evade the forces of Elon and propel the planet towards Netu's golden light.
         But Elon felt this new counter energy and was watching closely. Aware of Sol's powers, she had taken note of her slowly moving away from the new orbit, gradually drifting towards Netu... It wasn't by chance. Jealous again, Elon began to pursue the rebellious planet Sol, to harvest the golden power it evidently had and rob her of her power.
         Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the Nefilim on Sol, the planet drifted through the cloud of Archonic drops of ice from Silva's death. Warmed by the light, the Archonic Spirits were no longer trapped in the ice that had brought them there. And although they were still trapped in the water, it was not long before they discovered that here, they could inhabit a life form which swam in the water and lived on the land. Thus the Archonic Spirits could inhabit Sol just as the Phoenix Spirits could. And whereas the Phoenix Flames on Netu were too powerful and hot, the fragmented flames that lived within a mortal frame were easily snuffed out. 
        Unconscious of 'Archons' and their presence on the planet, the Archons learned how easily the Nefilim could be tricked by the reflected flames of Love. Such False Love was the key to tricking them into pursuing Elon's Reflected Light instead of bringing Netu back. With their False Love, they could trick Phoenix Flames to follow Archonic Agendas, and this way the Archons could direct their course of action.
         Unaware of the hidden danger growing amongst them, the Original Nefilim slowly became outnumbered by Archonic Nefilim, an enemy that looked like their lovers and friends, that assured them they loved them and accused them of being ridiculous for questioning any hidden agendas. But gradually the tide began to turn as the Archonic presence was detected and understood, hidden agendas became obvious to the blind. But by then it was too late, too many Phoenix Nefilim were under attack by an undetectable Dark Force amongst them. No one could tell who was who. The tribes became enslaved by viral evil, endless wars broke out and soon much blood was shed, something that had never happened on Sol before.
         The Archonic Nefilim had turned on their brothers, and Sol gradually crumbled to ruin. With a heavy heart, Sapparu, the King of Sol watched his beautiful planet decomposing before his eyes. And sadly, most of the Nefilim couldn’t see the enemy, even if they were in their homes, even when Sapparu's highest priests tried to teach them. From his throne he began to see and understand this Archonic Spirit very well, he learned to recognize its reflected energies very quickly, its performances of False Love were the Ultimate form of Evil. He knew they were past the tipping point, that these Archonic Spirits would eventually destroy his civilization.
          Somehow he had to rescue as many of his Phoenix Spirits as possible and start over, or they would never rescue Netu from exile. He set his sights on a neighboring planet Gaia, a planet that was also blessed with Netu and Silva's Eternal Knowledge and Creation, prepared to face a similar battle, but this time they would be prepared. He built Golden Spaceships, hi-tech Vimanas resilient to Archonic magnetism and filled them with as many Phoenix Nefilim as he could, fleeing his beloved Sol. 
        And he knew that leaving Sol wouldn't be enough, either. Before he left, he planted a device to destroy the planet, an energetic device intended to annihilate all the Archonic life forms in Sol's orbit and leave nothing but a trail of dry, burning dust behind."

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