2.41 The Solarians

        Original Nefilim fleeing planets in Spaceships? Planets blowing up? Zara was struggling in a very big way, but she wasn't voicing her objections now. Now her curiosity was growing. What the Hellias was in fact going on here?
        Recognizing this, Min passed the goblet to Jasun. After a few moments of light-gathering and facial reflection, he continued with what he too, apparently, believed to be true. "The Nefilim arrived on Gaia in the wake of the cataclysm that followed the destruction of Sol. The intelligent life on Gaia were terrified of the cataclysm in the sky, so when strange Beings in their Golden Spaceships arrived along with the holocaust, they feared for their lives and hid out of sight. But when the Great Winter fell upon Gaia, they learned these Beings weren't an enemy at all, these strange Beings taught them how to keep warm inside the earth, and so a trust was built and the Beings bonded with one another.
         The Original Intelligent Beings on Gaia were of a more primitive nature than the Solarian Nefilim. There were Mermaid Beings, amphibious Beings who lived in the sea. They were intelligent and loving but there were no cities or gold mining, there was music. Music like the Nefilim had never heard before, magical music that made them fall in love, they called themselves the Nummo. The Nummo had survived the loss of their beloved sun, they had survived the great cataclysm of Sol, they had been fearing the worst for Gaia, but now there was help; refugees from a lost world, coming to live on the shores and keep them from freezing offered new hope.
         To the Nummo, the Nefilim were such intelligent beings they soon believed them to be gods. They certainly looked like gods. Dressed in bejeweled clothes, encapsulated in magnificent aromas, they had godly personalities and gave them beautiful golden gifts; instruments to play music on. They were loving, kind and handsome, they were intelligent and best of all, they worshipped Netu and wanted more than anything to bring her back.
         The Nefilim had brought with them plans to do just that but it would require many workers, too many workers for the few Nefilim to produce all that gold on their own. The Nummo were willing to learn and grow, so as to help, for they too wanted Netu back. Unable to work on the land, they agreed to let the Nefilim use them to engineer a race of Beings that could help them mine the gold they would need to bring Netu back, to free them from the Eternal Darkness of Elon’s sun, before it was too late.
         The new race that was born were called the Star People. They were beautiful, intelligent, creative and loving, the Love Child of the Nummo and the Nefilim, gifted with the Knowledge and creation of the Solarian Nefilim. For hundreds of years they built a new and harmonious civilization together. In exchange for mining the gold that was needed, they were given all the Knowledge of the Universe, taught how to grow and thrive, shown how to evolve with pride, and make music."
         Zara found herself staring at Jasun's webbed hands with growing curiosity now, wondering if this new and strange tale had something to do with it. The unbelievable somehow made the unbelievable, believable.
         "The new civilization was born in the place we now call Atlan" Jasun continued, noticing she was still staring at his hands. "The Nefilim knew how much gold was buried beneath Mount Ekar, they built the original mines but never made it that far."
         "My Atlan?" Zara echoed as the story reached home. Now she had to question his sanity. Everyone knew that Atlan had risen from a Great War against the Savages. Everyone had learned about it, so far none of this Original Nefilim story even remotely compared to what she knew to be true.
         "Yes" Jasun smiled. "Although, it looks very different now, it has been completely rebuilt since then, except of course Mount Ekar. Mount Ekar has always been and will always be there. You must understand, this was thousands of years ago."
         Unable to comprehend the concept of a thousand years, Zara was at a loss, her mind suspended between fiction and belief. Why would they not learn about this in history class if it was true?
         "Atlan used to be called Solaria" he elaborated. "Named after the Original Solaria. Once the Star people arrived, Phoenix Flames multiplied by the masses, love was in the air, everywhere, beautiful sounds of music filled the streets. Aromas of gourmet food filled their senses, no one was sick. Solaria was a beautiful city, an immensely rich, golden city, radiant with positive and good vibrations."
         Zara reached for her tea, it was cold. The thing about Mount Ekar's gold was true, it was a secret truth, she had seen the secret plans for the new gold mine in the printing room herself! Once again, the unbelievable somehow made the unbelievable, believable. Other things were sounding familiar too. Life in Atlan had always revolved around gold, even her Program was Golden. What did it all mean? Now she wanted to learn more.
         "The Nefilim gods taught the Nummo and Star people all they knew. Together they built majestic power stations like they had built on Sol, creating giant serpents of energy that propelled a power strong enough to leverage Gaia against Elon's magnetic control. Eventually they succeeded. Gaia became so charged with the powers of the Phoenix Flame, she began to inch away from her orbit, slowly drifting closer to Netu as she was released from Elon's magnetic might.
         But alas, once again, unbeknownst to the Solarian’s, they sailed through the icy cloud of Silva’s Archonic drops of ice, seeding the ill-fated Spirits into Gaia’s Waters of Creation, just like they had seeded Sol."

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