2.50 It's a Fact, Everyone Knows It

        Zara was horrified. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever reason to question whether Medel was real or not, yet as images of Orien's head, his glistening red blood dripping into the Golden Goblet animated to life through the portal of her mind once again, she was realizing she had never questioned the sacrificial rituals, in fact, she had never questioned anything. She had never wondered why the Anunnaki gods looked so different than the Gens or Origians, or why some Gens rose to higher ranks than others. All along she just accepted their differences, thinking that appearance alone made them gods. Even though she didn't want to believe the Lunies, their story was making sense in non-sensical ways.

         "Medel, Vina and Barduk taught the Anunnaki children that their job was to harness and reflect these golden powers of Solaria in order to bring Elon back" Nepheus continued. "They demonstrated how ignorance of Archonic evil left the Star People vulnerable to deception, and taught them how deception was the key to empowerment, granting them godly powers of enslavement, presenting them with an opportunity in which they would willingly invest their their hearts and minds, willing enough to swear a Blood Oath to Serve Elon's Great Plan."

        Zara felt a tingle run down her spine as the modern tradition of Oath Signing surfaced in the story. She had never been given an opportunity to sign one, however she knew of them, she had signed a Contract once; she knew first hand how serious those sorts of consequences had been....

         "These new, young gods, unique in appearance, studied the Solarians from the shadows, they harvested Information and Knowledge, learning which ones were most bountiful and which ones could be led astray. Gifted with this knowledge, the Anunnaki set about creating their first tribe; an army of Star people willing to become Archonic in exchange for the things they most dearly sought for; food, love and a good time. In a reflected society these things came easy, easy food, easy love and easy life with the Anunnaki gods. 
        These new Solarian / Anunnaki gods looked and behaved just like the Solarians they used to be. They learned to befriend the Solarian hunters as they wandered through the forest, luring them into their cave with the beauty and sensuality of the most beautiful sisters, Sina and Lea. They tempted them with their Anunnaki wine, a potent liquor, one that filled them with powerful sensations the moment it touched their lips.
         Those that drank the wine and slept with the goddesses were from that moment on, enslaved to their own desires. This was how the Anunnaki made them willing to defect like they had done, helping them leave Solaria and making them willing to join the tribe that would bring Elon back.
         These Solarians who sold their souls for lust and wine swore Bloody Oaths too, and remained captive by their side, they still do, to this day. These prisoners were treated like royalty, they grew to love their captivity. This was how the Archonic Spirit gained control and multiplied. This was how the Anunnaki tribe grew. Just as the Nummo let themselves breed with the Solarian Gods in order to bring Netu back, these Star People let themselves breed to the Anunnaki gods, in order to bring Elon back."

        Now Zara was fully ensconced in the story, now for the first time someone was explaining to her, why some Gens looked so different than others, and why there could possibly be any secrecy surrounding the Ancient History of the Atlan Empire.

         Nepheus was noticing, and continued on with the story. "Meanwhile, in Solaria, as the hunter community was disappearing, never to be seen or heard from again, Sapparu, King of Solaria recognized the pattern right away. And in spite of his allegorical teachings, these symptoms of Archonic evil he knew so well were in reality still foreign to the Star People, they were simply mythological teachings. He wasted no time in educating them with renewed warnings, he held information sessions at the local libraries, but the Star people weren't interested in learning about evil, after all, it wasn't a part of their lives, evil was a myth, something that destroyed Sol, something that had been destroyed, forever.
         With a heavy heart Sapparu watched his great city spiral into darkness as it became consumed with hate and secrecy, the cloak of evil was skulking everywhere he turned. Violence, once unheard of in Solaria was breaking up the peace, women were hysterical, children were going missing, even he couldn't tell which of the Star People amongst them were Archonic and which were Phoenix, loving and pure of heart, the pretense was so great.
         History repeating was worse than history in the making. Deep down he knew the Archonic parasite had returned, how and when, he knew not, but he had an idea, because he noticed that pattern too. He had failed as a king, he had relied on Blind Faith and failed to educate the Star People about the reality of the Archons, thinking gentle hints such as allegorical teachings would suffice. Now it was too late.
         And this time there would be no escaping Gaia, for none of the Vimanas he had built thus far could make it into space. Resilient as he was, Sapparu built up his own army, infiltrated as it was. He educated them as best he could, but the Anunnaki had confused too many Phoenix spirits. They were now a powerful tribe of invisible bloodthirsty hunters, determined to take over the city and plunder the hearts and gold in exchange for food, lust and liquor."

        Vignettes of the Green Serpent released more tingles down Zara's spine, as the topics of breeding, contracts and liquor finally collided, full circle. 

         "To the Solarians, an eclipse was a Divine Communication from the Planetary Gods. 
        To the Anunnaki, it was a chance to establish who that god was. The eclipse presented the sorts of reflected energies they needed to take over Solaria and sell it as gods will; Elon’s Will. 
        It was a surprise attack. They burst into the city as the Solarians were celebrating the divine sight. Caught off guard by the nocturnal attack at a time of celebration and joy, Solaria was quickly brought to ruin in a terrifying clash of violence. Bodies were strewn all over the streets, families were slaughtered from within their own walls. Sapparu, armed with the powerful Sword of Lightning, a sword so powerful it could slice through rock and ore couldn't compete with the blood thirsty Archons that had hijacked his people once again. Solaria fell forever the moment he was captured and banished into the darkness of the dungeons below his very own palace."

         "Vikkar's Sword of Lightning?" Zara wondered, recalling it's ancient looking design.

         "So the legend goes" Nepheus replied. "But when Medel took Sapparu's Sword of Lightning, the sword wouldn't work, there was no lightning, no magical powers to behold. In an angry rage, terrified of such a power he could not wield, he threw it into the palace well, banishing it from existence.
         Medel took the throne of Solaria and changed the name of the city to Meden. He taught his Anunnaki tribe that they had been lied to, that Elon was their god, that He had created them. Therefore, he demanded that all the citizens of Meden worship him, for Elon was their Creator god and therefore he could also destroy them, and he would prove it to them by destroying Netu, forever."
         Zara gasped. "Destroy the sun?"
         "Yes" Nepheus replied. "Everyone was terrified from that moment on. Medel commanded they worship Elon everyday, and so the statue of Elon and the Grand Courtyard was built and blood sacrifices began."
         "You mean the statue of Medel" Zara corrected.
         "No, I mean the statue of Elon."
         Triggered again, Zara knew her stuff. "That's not Elon, that's Medel's statue in the courtyard! Atalon built that! I know that for a FACT!"
         "How do you know that for a fact?" Mina queried, putting her on the spot now.
         Thoughts spun searching for reason. "It's a FACT! Everyone knows it! It's engraved into the PLAQUE!"
         Nepheus didn't know what to say. Mina didn't know how to put it gently enough. Zara was struggling with the stew of lies in a big way now.
         "Why?" Emotions were rising like a tide inside again, tears pooling in her eyes. "Why would they engrave a lie into a plaque? Who would DO such a thing?"

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